معاون اداری و مالی-شرح وظایف

معاون اداری و مالی-شرح وظایف

Notification of all approvals, regulations and bylaws issued by the President of the University to the relevant units and following up and monitoring their proper implementation

Codification of by-laws and instructions and meeting agendas related to the duties of the deputy to be proposed to the competent authorities for approval

Addressing the executive goals of the university and guiding and supervising the workflow and working methods used in different units in order to create coordination between the activities in different units in line with the achievement of the executive goals of the university

Providing the necessary explanatory reports to the president of the university regarding the duties related to the supervised units

Proposing qualified people to hold managerial positions at the University

Supervising the affiliated units in order to ensure the proper execution of their duties

Planning, organizing activities and proposing the annual budget of the relevant deputy in accordance with the priorities of the university

Cooperation with other vice chancellors for the proper implementation of university programs

Managing and supervising the proper implementation of all affairs related to administration, finance, support, museums, green space, Eram Garden and university representation in Tehran, in accordance with the relevant approvals, regulations and bylaws

Supervising the use of funds allocated to different units based on the detailed budget approved by the Board of Trustees and other financial laws and regulations applicable to the university and submitting a report to the relevant Board of Trustees

Forming a committee to develop executive methods in order to optimize the system of administrative interactions between affiliated units in cooperation with other university deputies

Establishment of revenue recognition process and proper control over the financial cycle in order to prepare financial management reports for the purpose of establishing financial discipline in different departments of the university

Development of appropriate executive methods for the maintenance of university buildings and equipment in cooperation with the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development in order to maintain/save the national capital of the university

Studying and identifying the training and internship needs of employees and its implementation

Supervising all administrative and support affairs related to Shiraz University representation in Tehran

Performing other tasks assigned by the president of the university